TECHNOBOX at Transport & Logistics & Elmia Subcontractor
Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of packaging solutions TECHNOBOX will be exhibiting at two fairs! 08.10.2021 Read more...Events
Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of packaging solutions TECHNOBOX will be exhibiting at EMPACK on 8 & 9 September 2021 at the Brabanthallen in 's-Hertogenbosch. 02.09.2021 Read more...Events
Toetus KIKist ressursitõhususe investeeringuks
Technomar & Adrem AS sai meetme „Ettevõtete ressursitõhusus tegevuse „Investeeringud parimasse võimalikku ressursitõhusasse tehnikasse; ressursijuhtimissüsteemide ja toetavate IT-rakenduste toetamine“ raames toetust summas 200 000,00 eurot, mille abil viiakse perioodil 01.03.2021 - 28.02.2022 ellu projekt „AS Technomar & Adrem ressursitõhususe investeering pressimis- ja lihvimisliini“ kogumaksumusega 857 000 eurot. 24.05.2021 Read more...Events
Toetus KIKist ressursitõhususe investeeringuks
Technomar & Adrem AS sai meetme „Ettevõtete ressursitõhusus tegevuse „Investeeringud parimasse võimalikku ressursitõhusasse tehnikasse; ressursijuhtimissüsteemide ja toetavate IT-rakenduste toetamine“ raames toetust summas 99 250,00 eurot, mille abil viiakse perioodil 16.07.2020 - 30.06.2021 ellu projekt „AS Technomar & Adrem ressursitõhususe investeering kastide tootmisesse“ kogumaksumusega 198 500,00 eurot. 10.12.2020 Read more...Events
T&A new UV Finishing Line
As a company we thrive constantly to better quality products, higher efficiency and aim to meet the highest quality expectations and strict delivery deadlines. To help us achieve all this, we have installed a new roller coating line for UV lacquers in our furniture components factory. 07.09.2020 Read more...Events
T&A at TISE 2020
Our company will be exhibiting in Las Vegas, in United States at The international Surface Event 2020.
Elmia Subcontractor 2019
Technomar & Adrem AS will be exhibiting at Elmia Subcontractor exhibition! Elmia Subcontractor is the leading exhibition in Northern Europe for suppliers to the manufacturing industry.
Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of packaging solutions TECHNOBOX will be exhibiting at TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS 2019 in Antwerp, Belgium.
Domotex 2019 in Hannover
Esta Parket will be attending the Domotex 2019 Floor exhibition this January 11st – 14th, 2019 in Hannover, Germany
Technobox present new packaging solutions at EMPACK & SCANPACK
We are happy to announce that Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of packaging solutions TECHNOBOX will be exhibiting at EMPACK Brussels 2018 & SCANPACK Gothenburg 2018!

We would like to invite you to visit our stand A206a at exhibition Empack 2018, which will take place in Utrecht, Netherlands.
TECHNOBOX at EMPACK Stockholm 2017 & EMPACK Mechelen 2017.
We are proud to announce that Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of packaging solutions TECHNOBOX will be exhibiting at EMPACK Stockholm 2017 & EMPACK Mechelen 2017.
Empack Stockholm 2017
Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of packaging solutions TECHNOBOX will be exhibiting at EMPACK 2017, taking place from March 29-30 at MalmöMässan, Sweden.
T&A recognised in Europe’s largest business competition
Technomar & Adrem NAMED NATIONAL CHAMPION IN THE EUROPEAN BUSINESS AWARDS 2016/17 We are happy to announce that Technomar & Adrem has been named a National Champion for Estonia in The European Business Awards, sponsored by RSM; Europe’s largest business competition set up to celebrate business excellence and best practice in the European business community.
Brand New Art Collection from Esta Parket
We are pleased to introduce our new wood flooring Art Collection. Reflecting contemporary and emerging trends, Esta Parket extends its core concept with new shapes, colors and transversal lamellas in its flooring patterns.
Empack Stockholm 2016
We gladly urge to inform you that Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of packaging solutions TECHNOBOX is exhibiting at Empack 2016! 17.03.2016 Read more...Events
We are happy to announce that Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of flooring Esta Parket will be exhibiting at the DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2016! 10.03.2016 Read more...Events
Domotex 2016
Our team had an absolutely fabulous time at DOMOTEX 2016 in Hanover. We’d like to thank everyone for coming! We hope to see you again next year at Domotex 2017!
T&A at TISE in Las Vegas in January 2016
We're happy to announce that Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of flooring Esta Parket will be exhibiting at the International Surface Event in Las Vegas in January 2016.
Estaparket at Domotex Exhibition 2016
We’re proud to let you know that Technomar & Adrem AS with own brand of flooring Esta Parket will be exhibiting at the DOMOTEX – World of Flooring show in Hannover from 16th till 19th of January 16!
Estaparket Infinity
We are glad to present Infinity surface covering system composing of 10 panels that have coupling non-straight edge shapes.
Technomar & Adrem AS has been selected as a National Champion in the prestigious 2015/2016 European Business Awards
We are delighted to have been selected as National Champions representing Estonia in the 2015/16 European Business Awards!
Welcome to our New Web Page
Finally we are ready to present our new Home Page.